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Tour to the magical town of Linares Nuevo Leon from Monterrey
Explore Linares: A Magical Town of History, Glories, and Local Traditions from Monterrey!
Tour to the magical town of Linares Nuevo Leon from Monterrey
Explore Linares: A Magical Town of History, Glories, and Local Traditions from Monterrey!
Tour to the magical town of Linares Nuevo Leon from Monterrey
Explore Linares: A Magical Town of History, Glories, and Local Traditions from Monterrey!

Visit the land of the famous group the cadets of Linares, and also know the traditional glories of Linares, be surprised by its municipal palace, the pharmacy Morales, the casino building of Linares, the cathedral of San Felipe Apostol, the regional museum, the factory and sale of glories, and the dam Cerro Prieto.